De Optimist wrote a sweet article about my hunting project, have a look!
Vrij Nederland
Bye bye Texas...
Our Louisiana-Texas hunting tour has come to an end: we've returned safely to cold, dreary Amsterdam. It's been an insane and beautiful trip, and we have the American hunters and their unbelievable hospitality and generosity to thank for it. Thank you all, so, so much! I'll leave you with one final image from our last day's hunt, you'll just have to wait for the rest in upcoming publications, exhibitions, and of course the book - although that will take a good couple of years, since there are so many more trips we will be making! For now, I'm a bag of mixed emotions, thrilled about my adventure, sad to see it's over, excited about the next... I'll keep you posted!
Texas bucks
Welcome to Texas
Banana spider
Okay this was still in Louisiana, but I haven't actually shot anything in Texas yet and I found this from a few days ago.It's not just the big game you have to watch out for around here!
Squirrel stew
This was honestly the best meal I've had here in Louisiana. Squirrel season just opened up here and people are having cookouts everywhere. In Ville Platte, schools even shut down for a few days because the hunt is so popular. I had my reservations when it came to squirrel, but it was truly delicious. It tasted more like fowl than rabbit, not too gamy, juicy, tender and flavored just right. Squirrel stew
Shoot a couple of squirrels (when in season). Skin, gut & clean them and chop them up. Brown them in some butter or oil in a Dutch oven. Remove the squirrel, and fry some chopped onion, bell pepper, and perhaps a little celery. Add the squirrel and chopped smoked sausage (andouille will do just fine). Let the squirrel simmer on a low heat, adding water as needed, until tender. About four hours should do it. Season to taste and serve with rice and homemade coleslaw.
South Louisiana
Belle Isle
Louisiana feral hog hunt
From the bayou to the gator plant
Mississippi buzzard
Louisiana teal hunter
Good morning America
Gator Nr 1, bagged and tagged
Today was our first day out on a gator hunt. We had breakfast at 6:30, with Louisiana still in a dark fog, and we were off to the marshes.I can't give up the full story just yet, but here's a glimpse of the ten foot lizard they caught today.
Hello there TX&LA!
After a 30 hour (door to door) horror trip, we finally made it to Dallas, Texas, where everything is, indeed, bigger. Today we drove down to Opelousas, Louisiana, where we had dinner at this gorgeous truck stop with our first alligator hunter. Tomorrow he's taking us hunting in the swamps. 5:45 am, rise and shine!