I Graduated!

I just graduated and am now the proud holder of a second bachelor degree, in English Language and Culture


I completed the first one, in photography, in 2007. After a few years, I got the language itch, and decided it was time to go to university and study English: language, literature, culture, linguistics, and academic research. My hunting project had a lot to do with this choice. Hunting culture is too complex to be shown through photography alone, and I completed my studies with a thesis on American hunting culture and literature:

"Chasing the Wilderness Experience: An Ecocritical Approach to Representations of the Romantic Hunter"


It is centered around the cultural construction of the wilderness experience, and traces the history of the idea from America's first pioneers, back to its roots in Romantic Europe, Medieval Europe, and ancient Greece. It also examines the influence of the frontier myth, the romanticized notion of the pioneer lifestyle. The text culminates in an analysis of modern day hunting literature: Michael Pollan's The Omnivore's Dilemma and Ted Nugent's cookbook Kill It and Grill It, showing how the constructed image of the Romantic hunter is still at the core of the contemporary hunting experience. For those who are interested, you can download the full thesis here.