Peruvian Hairless & Sphynx
Peruvian hairless dogs are an ancient, majestic breed. They look like impressive bronze statues.They are the kind of dog you could picture guarding the gates of hell. They're also great for a run along your favorite nudist beach.
On the Corner of...
January 2011
♥ Louisiana ♥
It's always great to sell a picture and see it up on someone's wall, especially if it goes to such a fitting home.
Last night was the book launch of my latest book, En Masse: How Holland Holidays.I held the first copy of the book yesterday, and I am thrilled! It sparkles!
It's Nice!
En Masse, my new documentary photo book about the Dutch on vacation, is finally coming out!Pre-order a copy at a sweet price here, or have a sneak peek at the first images here. We will celebrate the release with a party, email me if you'd like to drop by for a signed copy. Tuesday December 7th / 19:00 / Unit C.M.A. / Egelantiersstraat 139 Amsterdam
Made at the Texas State Fair
Home of the deep fried beer, deep fried butter and awesome t-shirts.
De Optimist - Article on The Hunt
De Optimist wrote a sweet article about my hunting project, have a look!
Vrij Nederland
Bye bye Texas...
Our Louisiana-Texas hunting tour has come to an end: we've returned safely to cold, dreary Amsterdam. It's been an insane and beautiful trip, and we have the American hunters and their unbelievable hospitality and generosity to thank for it. Thank you all, so, so much! I'll leave you with one final image from our last day's hunt, you'll just have to wait for the rest in upcoming publications, exhibitions, and of course the book - although that will take a good couple of years, since there are so many more trips we will be making! For now, I'm a bag of mixed emotions, thrilled about my adventure, sad to see it's over, excited about the next... I'll keep you posted!